Our Team

Oscar Ernesto Arés

In love with coffee since I was 6 years old when I tried my first colada. (I know, but I'm Cuban, and it's part of the package)

Later in life, I met my wife, and I was surprised to good coffee is drunk without sugar. (Of course, she is Colombian)

Then I learned that good coffee, by itself, has a lot of flavor. And if it is planted in the right place, picked at the right time, processed in the right way, roasted to the right roast, ground to the right size, one can truly enjoy a majestic cup of coffee.

(Don't worry, we do 95% of all that, you only have to grind it and enjoy it)

Melki Coffee is a dream.

That dream is that you enjoy the best coffee with us.

Jeanny Arés-Urrego

Staying at Hotel Mamá, every morning I started with my dad or mom bringing me a cup of coffee to bed to start the day. And in the afternoons we would look for excuses to go out for a walk and find the best coffee in Bogotá.

My parents definitely taught me to love and appreciate coffee for its flavor and for the unity it brought to our family every time we sat down to have a cup and spend long hours talking.

Now I have that pleasure of sharing my morning coffee with the love of my life and being pretentious looking for the best coffee place in every city or country we visited.